Joint the discussion to heal humanity
Dr. Gbodossou is an Ob-Gyn and psychiatrist, with a joint degree in medicine and pharmacy from the University of Dakar in Senegal. Now a Senegalese citizen, Dr. Gbodossou was born in Benin in the Atlantic coastal town of Grand Popo. Dr. Gbodossou served as an obstetrician-gynecologist at the CHU hospital in Dakar in the late 1970s and was later appointed Chief Inspector of Medicine in Senegal. He now maintains a private practice in Dakar along with his duties as President of PROMETRA International.

Dr. Virginia Davis Floyd
Born Virginia Davis in Sea Isle City, New Jersey, she completed her undergraduate education at Spelman College and Sophia University. She then attended Howard University College of Medicine, graduating in 1976, and was a resident at Emory University Hospital until 1979. She returned later to Emory to earn her Master's in Public Health, graduating in 1987.

Andrew YOUNG
Andrew Young is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. He attended Dillard University, Howard University -- where he was a member of the varsity swimming team -- and Hartford, Connecticut Theological Seminary.